The Big Brother 24 exit for Michael Bruner was certainly memorable after Matt Turner and Monte Taylor worked in tandem to get him out of the game.
Michael was pretty emotional after getting voted out during the Double Eviction episode, asking everyone to take a seat before rushing out the door to his his meeting with host Julie Chen Moonves.
Since then, he has had some time to reflect on what he said about Brittany Hoopes during his plea to stay in the game, how he rushed out the door without saying goodbye to his fellow BB24 cast members, and if he had any regrets about the season.
A new Michael Bruner exit interview with Us Weekly has been shared where the 28-year-old attorney talked about his experience playing on Big Brother 24.
“I would’ve regretted if I didn’t try everything I could to stay,” Michael said about his pleas to stay in the game to Monte, Taylor Hale, and Alyssa Snider before they voted.
“I’m not a hugger. I did not want to do the fake, ‘Oh, let’s all hug. It’s OK.’ on my way out the door. And I wanted a bit of a dramatic exit. I have a flare for the dramatic, what can I say? So that’s why I left without saying anything,” Michael added about his dramatic exit.
Michael addresses Kyle Capener controversy
“Hearing feedback from everyone who is still in the house about how they wish the information had been handled, I do regret not saying something sooner,” Michael said when asked about his revelation of what Kyle had told him about a possible Cookout 2.0 forming in the house earlier in the summer.
“I feel that no matter when the information came into the game, it was always gonna look like it was being used to benefit me and to get me further. Any information that comes into the game, regardless of what it is, people are always gonna assume there’s a self-serving interest there,” Michael further explained.
In the video below, Michael goes into more detail on how Brittany handled his eviction speech, presenting the information about Kyle, and who he felt were the best and worst players of the season.
Big Brother 24 spoilers
Michael may be out of the game, but Big Brother 24 still rolls on.
For readers who want to jump ahead, here are the Power of Veto spoilers for Week 10 on BB24, which certainly sets the stage for who could be heading to the jury house next.
There are only two weeks left of the show, revealing how close we all are to learning the name of the Big Brother 24 winner.
Looking ahead, here is the list of the remaining episodes for the BB24 cast.
Big Brother 24 airs on CBS during Summer 2022.